Friday, March 5, 2010

I'm sitting here putting the boys to bed (yes, at eleven o'clock. So? It's Friday), and thought that maybe I could put a few thoughts down. Or not. It's hard to have thoughts, sometimes, when bookended by two boys who don't want to go to sleep. The little one is popping in and out of his blanket, declaring, "I'm NOT clean!" (whatever that means), and the big one is rolling around and breathing heavily - I kept him home from school today with a cold.
I had to make coffee tonight before bedtime - it's the only way I could hope to make it through and still have a chance of doing the dishes, which, yes, I should have done earlier, but didn't. (Pause for a cease-and-desist order to the big one, who is making gurgling noises out his nose - you're welcome.)
I've been pretty busy lately. On top of the daily (struggle for) routine, at which I may or may not be slowly improving, I have a few custom projects in the wings, and, of course, the ever-looming "get-your-shop-prepared-for-spring" push, mostly, at this point, relegated to a nagging voice in the back of my head. I hope by next fall to be at least a little prepared for seasonal changes in stock, but right now "seasonal changes" consist of sketching ideas, getting a thing or two done and photographed and up in the shop, and longing reading of the etsy monthly updates. Couldn't they send these things out six months ahead, for the procrastinators among us?
My latest completed project? Another mouse, this one a tiny pink ballerina. The tutu was interesting to construct - I looked for tutorials, but ended up having to adapt to the minuteness of the project with innovations of my own. Instead of cutting strips and tying them to an elastic band, which is, I gather, an accepted method of tutu construction, I made a tube out of several layers of tulle, ran a thin elastic cord through it, and tied it to fit the mousie waist. I'm rather pleased, if I do say so myself. I remember being very bothered, as a child, by doll clothes that couldn't be removed, and, as a result, ended up with a lot of naked dolls and grand intentions of sewing their deconstructed clothes back together.
I've neglected this post for a while, but I will end with a semi-related quote from Winston Churchill (well, it made sense to me):
"Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds t0 the joy and glory of the climb."